Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WiZiQ di Mata Blogger Pendidikan

Sebelumnya di blog ini juga telah dimuat beberapa komentar dari blogger di dunia pendidikan online tentang WiZiQ Virtual Classroom. Berikut komentar lainnya yang di publikasikan online beberapa waktu belakangan:

James T. Cook dalam tulisannya What is WiZiQ?
"Then, there is WiZiQ, the answer to those wanting similar services from Centra or Elluminate; however, they want it for free. WiZiQ is probably one of the most powerful systems on the Web for free…next to Google Docs. I say this because it brings you one step closer to bridging the social presence gap in online learning"

Janet Bianchini dalam tulisannya Live WiZIQ Online Conference re Digifolios and Personal Learning Spaces
"Well, I have just logged off from my first live online conference via WizIQ. It was the most amazing experience. So much happening in real time- wonderful video presentations, text messaging, live chatting, using an IWB for the first time, connecting with so many people at once, viewing wikis, viewing photos, it was the most incredible experience I have had in a while!"

Tech Otter
dalam tulisannya Web-Conferencing Tool: WiZiQ
"This week I looked as WiZiQ, a free Web Conferencing tool that was recommended to me by one of my readers. It does the same thing Adobe Connect (formerly known as Breeze) does, but it is free and does not require software installation (it does require Flash). I was pretty impressed with how easy it was for me to join a session and interact with the session leader (instructor or teacher)"

Edward Clear dalam tulisannya New Venture
"I have discovered an application that is web based, requires no download, allows for full sharing of audio, video, slides, and desktop. It even records the sessions for you if you want people to play them back later. It's called It's in a beta stage but from what I have experience, it's reliable"

Adams 14 Schools dalam tulisannya Who's in YOUR 5?
"Love this tool! Great for real-time collaboration and gives so many choices for communication (text, voice, video, annotation) that it is very versatile"

Kirsten Winkler dalam tulisannya Review: Public Session on
"The session itself was really smooth. There were between 8 to 13 students with me in the classroom, the text chat was stable and my voice could be heard clearly by the participants. Just two or three minor breakdowns of the voice chat during the session"

Web Worker Daily dalam tulisannya WiZiQ: Teach and Be Taught
"The web service bills itself as an “Online Educational Platform for Teachers and Learners” and is available free of charge. What it provides is a virtual classroom, the purpose of which is left completely up to users. Definitely an attractive proposition, and one which I can think of many uses for in terms of web working applications"

Artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris: WiZiQ in the eyes of Education Bloggers - Part II

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