Friday, October 31, 2008

Kaget WiZiQ gratis? Anda tidak sendiri!

Ya, WiZiQ mendapatkan cukup banyak respon dari para penggunanya yang kaget bahwa dengan fasilitas yang WiZiQ berikan, kami tidak memungut biaya apapun. Berikut beberapa comment mereka:

Wow Technology
"This is exciting. The sky is the limit with the technology you have shown me. I agree every site that claims it is teaching homeschoolers should be using this technology."

Ya, belakangan, dengan dukungan dari semua users yang puas dengan teknologi WiZiQ, kita melihat meningkatnya aktivitas para member dalam virtual classroom di WiZiQ dan makin banyaknya member baru setiap harinya karena rekomendasi yang diberikan para member lama.

Hey I Want to Pay!

Kita bahkan mendapatkan tawaran dari pengajar di WiZiQ untuk membayar penggunaan free virtual classroom WiZiQ.

"I'm VERY satisfied with your web tool. In the future I hope to use it much more. It's hard for me to believe it's free. Would you like me to pay a fee to ensure service? Please advise."

Free is Barter?
Apakah gratis selalu dikuti dengan barter?

"I was initially turned off by the “free” because there is no way to provide something for nothing. What is being bartered? Is always my question. So I read further and saw that there will be a subscription fee for advanced services. This made me feel more comfortable."

Dan dari WiZiQ sendiri:
"In future, we will offer certain advanced features on WiZiQ for a monthly subscription fee. However, basic features on WiZiQ will always be free."

Jadi, kita tidak akan menghilangkan akses Anda ke kelas virtual gratis di WiZiQ dengan semua fitur yang saat ini Anda nikmati. Kita masih di Beta dan secara bertahap kita akan tetap melakukan peningkatan pada WiZiQ dan mencoba untuk memberikan nilai lebih pada komunitas pendidikan secara general.

Yes I Like It!

"Hi I received notice of an event promoting WiZiQ and logged in to have a look at the software. It looks great - really simple to use, intuitive and all the things that online tools need to be to encourage wide uptake."

Here's a BIG THANK YOU to all our members who use WiZiQ, and users who are spreading the word.

Jadi, bagaimana menurut Anda tentang WiZiQ?

Artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris: Surprised WiZiQ is Free? You are not alone!

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